I love making art and in particular art that makes a home feel warm and inviting. My favourite form of art is to make large paintings using needle felting.
I come from a land perched between the sea and the mountains, known as Karst, near Trieste in Italy. It is a land of high rocks, deep caves, and oak and pine forests. This land has very much influenced my love for nature and all things wild to the point that I became a wildlife biologist and have been one for many years. As a child I also spent long summers in the mountains in a small village in the Alps, where my grandfather came from, and my idea of art has also been influenced by the Alpine environment.
These, at times, harsh environments, have made me appreciate the importance of having a home to return to, a place to be safe and protected. So my art is very much influenced by nature and by a sense of cosiness that comes from needing a place to come back to. This is why I love using a warm material like wool to make art.
I started working with wet felt thanks to my friend and excellent felt artist Michela Gregoretti who thought me the technique some years ago. With time I found that needle felting better suited me as I like the repetitive nature of the work, which is almost meditative.
I am a naturalist and I am inspired by wild places and natural materials
I am committed to sustainablility and I strive to achieve a low ecological footprint